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Assad: "Syria is at war"


Syria is in a State of war. This statement was made by the country's President, Bashar Al-Assad at a cabinet meeting. "We are now in a State of war in every sense, and now all the decisions and efforts must be made to win it. We want peace, but we are not going to forget about their interests," - he said. 
On the eve of the head of State took the oath of Office of the new Government. In his speech he criticized the position of those countries that insist on his resignation and noted that, despite the peaceful mood, Syria is going to continue to defend their interests. 
Relations with former ally and neighbor Turkey, Arab Republic becoming worse by the day. The Turkish premier said that any Syrian aircraft breaching the border, is now considered an enemy target and will be shot down. 
Meanwhile, American Scouts argue that Assad in Syria supporters remain confident. Despite the desertions, the army remained loyal to the authorities, and the Syrian opposition, despite all efforts, fragmented and cannot come together.
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