“Thank you” for any little thing will keep the relationship strong and durable. This is the conclusion of researchers at the University of California at Berkeley, watched 25 pairs for 9 months.
According to Firstnews.ru with a link to Livescience, save my marriage, even in the most critical situations can the word “Thanks”. Participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire, answer questions about how they feel close to their partner. In addition, during the week they had to keep diaries where recorded their experiences.
9 months later, volunteers interviewed again. It turned out that those who originally referred to the second half with appreciation, became even more committed. It is important to communicate to loved one how much you appreciate him even for a trifle, make conclusions of scientists.
Just as what my marriage counselor always tell us that we must appreciate what we have and what we are so saying thank you to your partner is a big deal to show how much you appreciate his or her work.
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