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The king of Spain apologizes to his subjects for safari elephants


King Juan Carlos apologized to his subjects for being in the midst of economic crisis in Spain, he went on safari in Botswana. The newspaper El Pais notes that the reigning monarch apologizes to his subjects for the first time.
"I'm sorry. I was wrong. More than this will not happen again" - said in a video message of King, recorded in the metropolitan hospital, where he is, after hunting broke his hip. 
As the RBC, the press service of the monarch was explained that in Botswana the king went on a private visit, accusing the press of false conclusions, but then chose to send an apology to the people of Juan Carlos. 
Juan Carlos, as it became known, went to Botswana at the invitation of the Saudi businessman of Syrian origin, Mohammed Eyada Kayali, who recently lived in Spain and owns property in the capital and Marbella. Kayali, invited the king to the safari, during which time other than the elephant and killed two buffalo. Photos of King near the prostrate elephant out rageden vironmentalists, reports BFM.RU. 
Recall, the Internet has already appeared with a petition demanding the abdicationof the king. Captions below the set for 50 thousand people.
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