From time to time to me are different people who ask for political asylum in Britain.
They asked me to write a paper about that if they extradite them in Armenian prison and torture, that their life is threatened by a terrible danger in Armenia.
I tell scary stories about the families of these people may suffer, and small children are exposed to a daily danger because they are on their way to and from school. Wives of them forced to hide with relatives. and so on.
The Armenians, who were in Britain and want to stay here. I understand them: having received asylum, they will be able to stay here, work, receive money and live, in General, about the same as at home.
Strictly speaking, even and work does not necessarily: there are a variety of benefits and there are non-governmental organizations to assist in obtaining benefits. All right, all legally and officially. Oh, and if we add to this the possibility of small no legitimate earnings (for example, to receive unemployment benefit and found work at the nearest Bazaar), life starts to get light colors.
And I must add that appeal to me, as a rule, not they themselves, and attorneys who deal with their affairs, or human rights activists or sympathizers. These people communicate with me are very rare.
But not about this I am writing. And that for the nine years of my life I had to listen to London dozens of stories about the terrible crimes of the Armenian authorities and that "miraculously survived" and run away in Britain, at home in Armenia, may.
First, the frame came stories about murders, October 27, 1999 Parliament. Hiding from the wrath of the authorities were telling stories, of which the spirit was taking over.
Someone said he saw a videotape (and even was holding), where it was depicted as high officials of the Government of plotting the terrible killings. Cassette, naturally "disappeared", and saw this entry, ran, because everyone who saw this tape, may face death in agony.
No tapes, needless, in nature did not exist.
I admit, at first, take these people seriously. But when the fifth or sixth man approached me, talking, something like that, they say, is a close relative of an employee of the National Assembly, and a relative told him details of the crime. I even tested it a few times, and it turned out that these workers had never been in the National Assembly.
There was a man who told the British that he was one of the broadcasters and the operator stuck in Conference, when there was a terrorist attack, and that, while there, heard that ... (I later checked: the broadcaster that day was not sent back to the operator).
In short, at some point I realized that these people are just lying. And I was terribly hurt that they are trying to find confirmation of their lies from me, a man who survived assassination attempt and did not ask for political asylum.
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