The newspaper La Repubblica published transcripts of telephone conversations, the Moroccan Karim's militiamen El Marug, better known as Ruby, which suggests that in 2010, she demanded the Premier Berlusconi's 5 million euros for their silence. Phone records were made by the criminal police, which is investigating the case against Berlusconi. He is charged with, inter alia, of being involved in the prostitution of minors.
The girl mentions the sum in a conversation with his ex-lover, Sergio Korsaro. Conversation is dated on the morning of October 28, 2010 year. Ruby reports that "together with a lawyer has asked for 5 million euros to pretend". Ruby claims that Berlusconi had agreed to this.
In conversation with Korsaro she also complains about MEDIA, which "put it in the light of the child because she is beautiful and is friendly with the premier". The whole problem is that I am a minor," adds Moroccan woman. Question Korsaro, is not afraid of whether or not it meets girl styled outfits,: No. I am afraid of nothing. I've got a bunch of money. I will be famous."
In a conversation with my girlfriend, Antonella Ruby assured her that had not been with Berlusconi, sex, and tells that downloads Berlusconi gives it 47 thousand euros, according to BFM.RU.
In parallel with the line of Ruby "is a line of the former" Miss Montenegro Katarina Knezevic, which according to the publication, in the fall of 2010, the engaged to Berlusconi. 20-year-old Knezevic participated in the evenings by the premier, and policy to the rest of the girls.