Coin worth one cent was sold at auction for $ 1.5 million. Trades were conducted in the U.S. auction house Heritage Auctions. The coin sold for fabulous sum - one of the 14-and rare copies issued by the U.S. Mint in 1792.
It is made of copper, and in the center is small patches of silver. Silver appeared on the coin is not so much because of aesthetic reasons as to bring the weight of the means of payment in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Mint, RIA Novosti reported.
In January 2012 another coin worth one cent has been sold at auction in the U.S. state of Florida for $ 1.38 million. Penny, dated 1793 year previously belonged to the banker Louis Eliasberg from Baltimore, who for his passion for collecting was nick named "King of Coins." The collection of all samples were Eliasberg coins issued by the U.S. Mint. Repeat this achievement to date has not been anyone.